People who posted their story on Reddit and the person in said story found it, how did it go?

Tumblr rather than reddit, quite some years ago now - Had a rather crappy situation where I felt wronged by this other person (and frankly still do). I vented on my Tumblr but kept personal details out; basically you'd have to already know who's who and what's what to identify anyone other than me from it.

Well as it turns out this person just so happened to follow me tumblr. Small world, eh? They didn't appreciate my venting "shaming them" and "turning my online cronies against them" as they put it. It escalated matters and the dust never really settled. I since tried to bury the hatchet but they were having none of it.

I'd originally written the rest of the sorry story here, but then life has a habit of repeating itself and I would hope this is not enough to identify either of us; the rest of the story might. So, no extra detail because, well, they happened to be one of like 50 people reading my stuff once. Why risk it again?

Suffice to say things got sour enough, and they had so much more social clout, that I've basically had to cut all ties to that social circle, and was never given a proper reason why.

/r/AskReddit Thread