People who refuse to move out of the passing lane no matter what, why?

I really don't know what the answer is here.

The answer is simple, people who want to drive at exceptional speeds don't always get what they want. Oh dear.

Sure, if I had it my way, there'd be no other cars on the road, that'd be super convenient. Alas, I'm another car to someone else and we all have to make compromises. The idea is that as few people as possible have to compromise their preferred speed, allowing maximum travel time efficiency despite the sometimes wide range of what that speed is.

The irony is that the the people who tailgate in a rage behind someone "only" going 10 mph faster than the lane that they're passing are no different than the people who camp in the left lane and won't get over--both think everyone but themselves should make compromises, and consequently neither is participating in the passing system the way it was intended.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent