People who say “school is the best days of your life” are the people who were the cool/popular guy in school and then never amounted to anything after leaving

I had no friends in school but always knew I would turn out OK. All those skills I learned alone served me well later in life, cooking, diy, repairing things. I'm now a very happy husband and dad of 2 awesome girls, have a house and great garden and make a decent middle class living. This is why the incel movement is so scary to me because I know I could have turned resentful if I had the outlet. I hung out in the computer lab with a bunch of incel types who only needed the push that the internet gives kids today. Ironically, most of them, like me, have skills that can help them succeed in life but their lesser instincts are reinforced by online echo chambers.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread