People who sell stuff at kisok's, what are some of the ways that people have actually been enthused that you stopped their day to sell them a thingy they probably never knew they needed?

I only ask this because I was approached the other day, I admit i wasen't having the greatest day either. But I was approached and she asked me some generic stuff about how i was doing to try to connect, however my only response was no thanks i dont have time for what you're selling and kept on walking. She then called me a rude jerk for literally walking past her (no eye contact) and dismissing whatever rando product she was pushing.

It got me to thinking, who actually likes this?! Who gets interrupted, dragged into a store that wont be there in a month and a half to buy something, and feels joy and happiness throughout? like a good shopping experience?

Just wanted to hear some stories. Sorry if wrong subs

/r/AskReddit Thread