people who have sex casually with strangers or acquaintances are absolutely disgusting

Between age 30-40; single I was with 50+ women. A lot of one night and one weekend stands. My main focus in life was career and lived/worked internationally. I’m above average in attractiveness (eat good, workout, meditate) and I’m also in the media industry so I meet a lot of attractive people. I used to travel to a different country every other month and I would meet people from other countries every month. It wouldn’t be practical for me to move their home country or for them to move to whatever country I would reside at the time. But I will say a good number of those women, I connected with really quickly, and sex with them made the experience with them so much better than without. Some are still Facebook friends today and some I never got to see again. But I never regretted any of my experiences, even with the crazy ones. I don’t agree with your sentiment, but I understand it. I’ve been rejected by women for long term relationship because of my past because of them having same feelings as you.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread