People who smoke weed, who in your job knows and why?

I’m in an illegal state, but I’m a firm believer in the quality of my work.

At my last job (first job in corporate America) everyone I worked with knew. My peers because I told them, my bosses because one of the seniors always made jokes directed at me around them so if they didn’t know they were pretty dense. For the record, I quit this job and was never drug tested or reprimanded for smoking.

At my current job only a handful of people know, 1 guy found out bc he knows a guy I knew in college and the guy from college spilled the beans. The other 2-3 that know were told by me bc we were driving some place and I warned them of odd smells bc I smoke in my car all the time. I don’t believe any of my actual bosses know for sure, but I’ve heard my main boss smokes a little too so not really worried about it here either.

/r/AskReddit Thread