People who have smoked weed, what was it like your first time? Still doing it?

It took a while to kick in (about an hour or so), so I thought that I just hadn't had enough. Ended up taking about 10 or 11 bong hits before I felt anything. That was way more weed than I was prepared for.
I realized I was high when I spent a good 5 or 6 minutes eating a single Triscuit. I turned my head to tell my friend about how good the Triscuit was, and my vision and such moved about 30 seconds after my head did.
We were watching Deadpool, and I looked up during a slow-motion part of a fight scene. I was okay with that. It sped back up and that was not okay at all. Disoriented me real bad.
I ate a whole mango, frozen, like ice cream.
I had cottonmouth something fierce, but didn't think that I was able to walk over to the fridge to get it. I was giving myself a pep talk and thought it was in my head; turns out I had been talking to myself out loud for a good minute or two. My friend joined in and helped convince me I could go pour myself a coke.
Once I had my drink, I kept inhaling right before I drank it, so I would get the fizz and it kept scaring me. It was a good 10 minutes before I drank anything.

All in all, solid [9] out of 10. 10/10 with Triscuits. Would do again, but my job drug tests.

/r/AskReddit Thread