People who have snapped on a bully at school, what's your story?

Bully did it his thing on the first day of school in 3rd primary (about 9yo olds for people with other grade names). I was really tall and fat for my age. He's a small skinny kid.

We sit in groups of 6 or so around tables for our introduction day thingy, wasnt 10 mins before he started making fun of my fat. Kept poking my sides with his bony finger (which actually hurt) and got everyone laughing at me. Humiliated first day, first 15min into the day. Guess I snapped (he was a dick the years before too). Well I guess I snapped. Jumped up, my chair flying back. Turn to him, put both my hands around his throat/neck and lift the little fucker up (had no idea I could do that) like one of those wrestling moves. Then pushed him against the wall for what others tell me was like 30 seconds, holding him up by his throat until the teacher made his way over and started hitting me on my arms a few times until I couldn't hold him anymore let go. Guess I might've killed him otherwise, I was pretty much in a rage (more so back then while my alcoholic father was still alive).

He was a bit purple in the face, but otherwise okay. I explained myself and that was that. He was seated somewhere else after that. He didn't give me shit anymore, nor did anyone else. So that was nice. School life was pretty okay after that.

Kinda glad he didn't die purely for selfish reasons, but I still cant stand stand the little shit when I see him to this day.

Kinda weird to think about, I'm pretty mellow nowadays.

/r/AskReddit Thread