People who work in tech, why do you reccomend everyone to learn how to code.. I find it hard to believe that people without a CS degree can progress in the industry.

When we interview devs, we never require them to have a relevant degree and I don't remember ever discussing it with a candidate during an interview. That's for a smallish company though, maybe it's different if you're interviewing at Google, dunno.

What is important is actually being able to code, and that's where the majority of candidates fail. We find that approximately 75% of applicants can't code at all, not even well enough to solve FizzBuzz. It's truly extraordinary how many people apply for developer jobs but don't have the required skills - I've never seen this in the industries I worked in before I became a dev. We've even hired people who we then had to let go because it turned out they got someone else to do their homework assignment for them...

/r/CasualUK Thread