People who worked at Christian summer camps, what was it like?

I spent time in one, but it was more a soft jail. Like a place for troubled youths I went to in order to lessen the governments thing which was more lonely than anything. So not exactly camp but they tried to paint it up nice like one.

You had your own room, pretty nice,private shower, normal sized bed. Lights that actually turned off, not protected by a metal cage. But electronic locks from the outside on the doors and alarms on the windows. I did figure out the window and went out time to time. It was a co-ed place. There were girls, baaad girls, thus the sneaking out, at daytime you had a million eyes on you at all times, couldn't even hold hands or be close enough to whisper w/o HEY, NO! NO NO NO (like they wanted you to be gay) There were doors via a hallway between the rooms of boys and girls and a watchman in a little guard type booth for where the hallways met up who was 24/7 making sure no one busts out their doors to hold hands at night.

During days you went to church every single day. Attendance mandatory. Hour, hour and a half. The preaching was 100% hellfire damnation. Not a drop of mercy as sweetener. Just you are little demons on the highway to hellfire damnation. Seriously fuck you guys and your immortal souls. Fuck them too. Unless you DO EVERYTHING WE SAY! It's the only way. Obedience to us is obedience to more. Quit being a little criminal, quit being a whore. Sing along with us now. (that's not a request)

You were not going anywhere else, you do not get to say no. And what risk your ability to walk around to use your legs, your private shower and lights that turn off at night to go back to the governments thing?

Once that was over you ate. It was very good normal food. And then could spend time doing this or that, it seemed sort of randomly chosen what was being done, but you could never ever walk 5 ft in any direction w/o being interrogated as to where you are going and why.

And of course every thing, the smallest of things like throwing a paper trash ball into a bin basketball style got you an extremely unnecessary lecture. There was nothing treated as if it were minor, you were just an offender in your every moment that you stopped being a fucking robot person.

/r/AskReddit Thread