People whose parents grew up in a different country than you, what team do you support in big international sport events?

not really what you are asking because I'm a dual citizan that grew up in the country of one parent and now live in the country of the other parent.

Soccer: Germany. I hated soccer as a kid and teena nd just couldn't see why anyone would watch that game on TV. Then I moved to germany in my 20s and I just LOVE to watch important games now, especially in a bar or some public screening place. It's so much more fun if everyone is really into it and there are realistic chances of winning.

winter sports (skiing, ski jumping): Austria. I'm just so used to Austria winning all of those from my childhood with Hermann Maier, I still only watch it or get excited for the austrian athletes

everything else: I don't watch any other sports, so I couldn't care less

/r/AskEurope Thread