To people who've lived in a rough neighborhood (places with gang violence and stuff). What challenges did you face on a day to day basis? What experiences have stayed with you?

Dealers on the stoop. Drive-bys and fights in the street. People knocking on doors asking for change or cigarettes. People sleeping in the laundry room. Getting stalked by random dudes. Car broken into and then slashed to pieces when they couldn’t find anything. Tit Lady. Other car vandalized. Random blood trails down the halls. Laundry machines broken into for change and rendered useless. Police at least once a week, OD’s once a month. Someone murdered and found a month later. Roaches. Bed bugs. Financial loss of about 30 grand over 2 years. Severe depression from the infestations.

Cheap rent may seem like it’s a good deal, trust me, it’s not. This is how bad it was and we were friendly with everyone. We hung out with our building neighbors and were part of a community and it was still that bad. Don’t do it, it’s just not worth it.

/r/AskReddit Thread