People with few to no friends, what is the reason for your loneliness?

I had a handful of good, honest friends. Every time we were together, we somehow managed to spike a fun conversation. One of my friends was dead quiet for all the years we've known each other. She barely talked, so we just considered her introverted but still dragged her along with us anytime she was around.

I had to move a few years ago, and it definitely took its toll on me. I tried making a new circle of people, but they were a sarcastic and mocking bunch. I thought that it's fine, I can just keep in touch with my other friends. And I did, for a while. I used to talk about pretty much everything with them. After moving I heard that the quiet friend of mine had opened up recently and was quite talkative nowadays. Was happy for her.

I went through some rough patches in my life during that time, and I still am, with my father passing away and legal issues ensuing. I felt isolated, and never mentioned a thing about it to them. I slowly became scared of opening conversations with people, thinking I'll just be mocked and ignored. Scared of sharing my interests. So I stuck with being alone, and stopped trying to talk to my peers.

Years later, obviously, lost touch with all of them. Feel like I've completely switched roles with that former introvert. Feel cursed. What'd I'd do to have a group of people who'd be happy to bring me into their conversation and befriend me for no reason at all, other than kindness.

/r/AskReddit Thread