People with high social skills. What's the biggest mistake that people often make in interactions with others?

I feel like there are a lot of factors depending on the setting, the people, etc but overall I have some good tips.

I have never had issues going up to someone at a party that is not talking with anyone and saying hi, showing my hand for a handshake, and asking them for their name. I don't think this has anything to do with looks or stuff -- it's just your vibe. If you look like you are having a good time, people are pretty chill and will be open to talking to you. People come out to have fun, not to be down and you should to! From there, you can just ask anything you want and some of these things you naturally just pick up as good convo starters. * They have an accent? Ask them where they are from? You can start talking about how they moved here, etc. * How did you hear about this event? You can start talking about who you know as well and how close you are to the people are here. * Are they really young? Ask them what if they graduated, what they are majoring in, what classes they are taking? etc * You like something they are wearing? Do they have a scar or tattoo? Ask them about it! You're probably not the first to ask and they actually probably like talking about it. if they don't, they will tell you and just respect that.

I think one of the most important things though isn't starting a conversation -- it's keeping the conversation going. This involves good flow and actually listening. People don't want to talk to someone who doesn't listen. Make sure you pay attention and if you can bring it up in the conversation later, it makes them feel good. Also by good flow I mean do not tangent off to different topics abruptly -- it makes people feel like whatever they were talking about wasn't very interesting so you wanted to change topics. Respect the flow of the conversation and work with it.

One last thing I will say is it is important to understand some people just do not want to be talked to -- that's fine just respect that. They could be having a rough day or having an emotional breakdown, whatever. It wouldn't be a very fun conversation anyways. If you are interested in talking to them, I honestly think the best thing you can do is just say, "Hey is everything okay? Let me know if you want to talk." Most people might not but it puts them at ease and gives them space. If you're at a party, ask them if they wanna join the conversation (even if you don't have a group, just get yourself in one. it's not hard if you do the above).

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