People with high social skills. What's the biggest mistake that people often make in interactions with others?

I know there are heaps of comments but anyway...

When a person is engaged with you, polite, interested, that does not mean they have any sort of romantic attraction to you.

I'm a lady, and the lonely types of socially awkward people seem to become attracted or obsessed with me because I show them the same interest and kindness I show everyone.

When a person isn't on their phone, when they listen to you while looking at you, when they ask questions and move the conversation forward, when they show interest and smile, that is just healthy social skills. I gain enjoyment from the talking. I gain enjoyment from a person who knows when they speak, I'm go in to be listening and processing what they are saying. It makes me also feel good when I have a relevant question that gets a person talking about their passion, even if I barely have any knowledge of what they are talking about.

I feel like sometimes I should start avoiding certain types of people. The ones hungry for a human connection, but you can just tell they are going to end up with romantic feelings and then make you feel bad for "friend zoning " them.

So, neck beards, the socially awkward, those with poor social skills, if someone is attentive, don't assume they are bing a thing more than polite until they make it clear they are. You will push people away by latching on fiercely and quickly. It is very obvious when a person wants to befriend you to sleep with you or date you. I avoid those types of people these days, because it's not worth the effort to be polite and talk with them.

If you're lonely or socially awkward, don't crush on the first people to give you the time of day.

/r/AskReddit Thread