People with mental illnesses, when did you finally realize you were getting better?

I speculate that I suffer from anxiety and depression. I have the symptoms, and the screenings sure seem to think so. I have no sought professional help, though, so I do not have an official diagnosis and am speaking anecdotally.

My "fog" and "worries" started lifting when I began unfucking myself up. I started exercising regularly, eating better, and sleeping well. I cut out caffeine and some added sugars, started drinking more water, and tried to spend more time with the people I love and care about. And more.

I forced myself to take care of myself, and I tried to develop a more positive system of rewards that I could rely on to boost my self-esteem and confidence and make me feel good.

It takes hard work and, most of all, dedication. Keep trying. I failed a million times and suffered for years before I started getting back on track and found a balance that works well enough for me.

/r/AskReddit Thread