People with racist parents, how do you interact with them? People that live with them do you get along? People that live apart, do you still talk? Also, people who have cut them off, or people that have not, why haven’t you?

My dads side of the family is middle eastern like straight out of the Middle East not American born and my dads side of the family hates anyone that isn’t their religion(we’re catholic) Growing up I was taught to follow their beliefs and hate on anyone outside my religion but especially Muslims and Jewish people since that’s who they were always fighting with in their home country.

As I started to grow up and have shitty mindsets toward people my grandma on my moms side set my ass straight real quick when she figured it out. She didn’t tolerate any of the shit my dad would try and say and she made sure me and my siblings knew it was all bullshit. My mom joined in too after a while, her mindset used to be to just let my dad talk shit and ignore him, but once me and my siblings started speaking our minds so did she. I don’t speak to my dads side of the family anymore for a number of reasons but this is one of them. As for my dad he lives with us but has never been able to preach his shitty beliefs anymore since everyone in the house will attack him for it.

Anyone that says they were born into racism/hate and use it as an excuse to continue to preach that hate is an asshole.

/r/AskReddit Thread