People working from home: Is your boss selling you a return to the office?

My company has done a hybrid approach well, mostly because noone’s micromanaging it. You agree within your immediate team on your WFH policy, and get your choice approved by your manager, and that’s it. With that policy, we have one full time WFH coworker that we occasionally schedule coffees with for team bonding, two coworkers with flexible but consistent schedules (same days WFH each week), and the rest are either in the office the whole time, or just give a day or two’s notice when they want to WFH (due to appointments, meetings, weather, whatever). Other teams have agreed on everyone being in the office on the same day of the week, but no other rules.

The approach made us all feel like management treated us like responsible adults who know our own personal circumstances best. I love the flexibility and trust given with it, since it’s not like we haven’t proved we can work effectively remotely in the past year. We just operate every meeting remote-first, and with good internet it’s really no different having some people join from the office vs at home.

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