Why Do People Worship Satan?

That’s not what the narrative is. Satan does not offer Adam & Eve “knowledge” in some blasé sense of instilling some sort of dry understanding of how seeds germinate, or mathematical explanations of gravity. The story is primarily one which is concerned with themes of the separation from divinity. Satan (which is a title rather than a name. Keep in mind the original Hebrew would have translated as the satan, which further translates as “the adversary”) is depicted as a deceptive agent first and foremost. You will note of course that Eve does in fact take up the serpents offer to eat from the fruit of the garden.

What does Eve realize upon doing this? She does not gain knowledge, she only gains separation. She receives a distinct sense of individualization, which is the source of shame towards her own nudity. She clothes herself because she is now aware of herself, and in that awareness lies the separation from divinity, along with separation from Adam & all other life in their surrounding garden. Keep in mind that these stories are not intended as literal narratives, they are literary representations on a theme. Theologians for thousands of years have expressed this - the idea of “Bible literalism” is a wholly new phenomena springing from 19th century Victorian era political motivations. The actual content of the beginning of Genesis is actually quite comparable in tone to many of the eastern religions when it comes to these representations of a small scale “fall” of humankind in regards to separation in the form of individualistic mindsets. It is precisely this mode of separation and selfish individualization which quickly turns into humanity heading swiftly into utter chaos in the preceding passages, up until the story of Noah. Which, narratively, was precisely the plan of “the adversary”. There was no noble effort from Satan to simply “give knowledge” to anyone or anything. It was a deception.

The story of the garden is not one of “faith versus rationality”. Not even someone like a southern baptist Bible literalist would claim this.

Additionally, I am distinctly aware that I am saying all of this on Reddit, where someone’s likely assumption is that I am a religious person trying to convince you to become a Christian. If it is of any assistance in getting you to consider I’m saying at least somewhat seriously & sincerely, I will mention here that I am in fact an atheist. I happen to have a degree in philosophy, and have spent a large bulk of my academic and post-academic career studying religion & theology.

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