People would rather police, harass and shame girls about their outfit than teach boys to control their impulses and stop the objectification and sexualisation of the female body.

Will never forget the first time I went back-to-school shopping with my dad after my parents got divorced. I was like 12 and I have 4 brothers who were there too. We're in the Kohl's checkout and my dad nervously looks around and frantically whispers to me "Do... you.... need... underwear?"

Like I understand men being careful of what they say to young girls in public, but hello you're my DAD and everyone in line at this Kohl's knows that 12-year-olds wear underwear??? So instead I got to be publicly shamed for needing underwear because he was a freakin man baby. He also never once asked about or provided tampons or pads, so I was hoarding & smuggling those into those house until I was 18

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