Percentage of Europeans that think their country has benefited from being a member of the EU.

Also an imperialist, "we are a better breed of people than you", attitude.

The Austrians I know genuinely think that Romanians and Poles should be a servant race in the EU, while they should be the top people. ("I like the Poles as plumbers, they are cheap and loyal, the British are dirty and lazy. Where will I get my cheap labour now?" a reaction to Brexit)

They like the idea of the EU, but they want Austrians to have a greater share of the power in it and get annoyed at people in other countries not liking them.

It comes from a culture that has been part of an Empire from the medieval ages till 1945, and being the leader of Empires through time. The idea that people are not your equal, but tools to be used, makes an impact.

The most offensive thing I heard from an ex-friend, that poverty in Europe is the fault of the government, but poverty in China is normal because they are an inferior people who can't make modern civilization work. He got also very wonky when he learnt I have a Jewish background.

Or the Austrians I know are massive a**holes.

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