Perfect search engine for a bilingual person

I live in Québec/Canada (and something tells me you do too ; ). I use Startpage, and really love it, but I admit that even though my mother tongue is French, and speak it in my daily life, I almost exclusively search for information online in English, because I know I will find what I am looking for in English, and not always in French.

Depending on the nature of what I am looking for, I might not care to end up on a French website, but usually, it's just easier in English. And I relate more to the way English/American/other websites are built. French websites look weird, and are not user-friendly. Also, I've always had a very international mindset, I studied languages my whole life, so I am not very interested in getting only Québécois or French information.

The only problem with Startpage comes when searching for local info/business/reviews on a map... I still use Google for that, because it works so well, unfortunately. And I know it is ridiculous, but Google already knows where I live, what neighbourhood, and all, so it doesn't change anything at this point.

You could also try SwissCows and Qwant. I remember loving Qwant, but eventually it changed and didn't work as well. Maybe it has changed again. Swisscows is Swiss, I have never used it, but it's a bilingual country so who knows.

En espérant que ça aide un peu!

/r/degoogle Thread