Permanently banned from r/humansbeingbros for sharing a picture about unity, tolerance and love

Wow this subreddit has devolved into a complete shithole of people complaining about politics.

Have you read any of Jordan Petersons books or listened to any of his lectures? I’d bargain that about 5% of what he talks about is political and it’s pretty focused on authoritarianism. Getting blocked on a subreddit for sharing a politically charged picture isn’t authoritarianism. The subreddit literally doesn’t allow political posts and you broke the rule.

I want the record to be known, this post has absolutely nothing to do with JBP and it sucks that his subreddit been hijacked by a bunch political nut jobs who can’t see why posting political content on a non political subreddit is a stupid idea.

You deserved to get banned for that. It’s not because people hate unity ita because it’s a dense topic (vaccines) that you posted on a Sub Reddit that’s not for that type of contents.

I sware you politically obsessive people are the biggest cry baby’s and are literally looking for things to be upset about.

/r/JordanPeterson Thread Link -