You know that person that you don't talk to anymore, but still think about on a daily/weekly/monthly basis? What is stopping you from reaching out to them?

My old friend who became my boss. I started before him at a small store, and we became fast friends. He decided that he would work towards buying the store so we both became managers, but he became the boss (under the owner).

Turns out, he's a horrible boss. He can't manage himself. He can't control his ADD, he can't ask anyone for help, he tries to do everything himself, gets mad when you do something for him because it's critical and he's not getting it done. He's unreliable and his solution to problems is to ignore them. When clients called him wondering why he didn't show up to give a home service (because he forgot) he didn't pick up; when I picked up he said he wasn't available, never called back. He deliberately let his voicemail fill up and never checked the messages so no one could leave new messages. If he promised to walk my dog I wouldn't trust him to do it if I were the one holding the leash.

The owner ended up firing me for my "bad attitude" - which I had because I was looking for a new job and consulting an employment lawyer about unpaid overtime and time clock shenanigans. We haven't talked since.

In retrospect he was a shitty friend, too. He was just as unreliable in his personal life, and selfish. His boyfriend dumped him and I had to drive him home from a bar, too drunk to stand up straight, and the whole time he bitched at me to give him back his keys.

But damn if he didn't use to be a cool dude. I considered him a very good friend at one time. I miss his friendship. But also, fuck him for fucking me over constantly at work and letting the owner do illegal shit to the employees. Good luck with your alcoholism, Nate.

/r/AskReddit Thread