The person who sewed a pride flag into her graduation robe, Jillian Orr, worked in the famously abusive troubled teen industry.

In the post the video shows, she mentions she is a recreational therapist on the weekends. I certainly don’t know enough about this person to have any opinion on her, but if that was her position in the Provo Canyon School it seems likely that she was just a part time employee with very little say in policy or procedure. That being said, these schools are absolutely terrible. While OP may see a correlation, and certainly the mistreatment of these kids is an important issue and one that should be given more attention, this may be an instance of holding someone up to scrutiny when they themselves did not have any say in policy, let alone the personal development to recognize the mistreatment inherent to the policy held by the company that employed her. None of this is to excuse any behavior she may have exhibited that is unacceptable, nor to excuse the Provo Canton School’s policy. Just some quick thoughts.

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