Personal: Climate Change Prevents Pursuit of Grand Goals

Here is a graph of the t change in the last 5 million of years. Climate change is happening all the time. You won't stop it by using less plastic etc., and there is no basis for thinking that it should be stopped, after millions of years of increasing fluctuations. Warmer t are generally better for vegetation and animals - they don't like to be frozen.

I contribute nothing but carbon into the world.

Contrary to popular belief, that is a very good contribution.

the fact I own no one any debt except towards the future generations.

Look back in history and ask yourself - which people have contributed the most to the current world and future generations? People who did minimal work (as you write that you do), did not develop any skills (as you write you do), did not contribute to any business, refused to buy anything,lived in complete isolation from everything and everyone, and so on? Or ''the ignorant people who pursued their own interests'' as you refer to them - for the sake of money developed skills, created products, supported other people's work by buying their products or creating products to improve other's work etc.? Maybe this is just my ignorant opinion, but I am much more grateful to all the wasteful folk that enjoyed life by buying crap and making producers make even better crap to stay in business, than to the cave men who lived in perfect harmony with nature and could sustain a world population of maybe 50 million people, with the average life span of 25 years.

/r/intj Thread