A personal story. Tell me again why homelessness and aggressive panhandling isn't a problem for Seattle business and residents?

Also have you ever even been to Arkansas lmao! You're suggesting that if high paying jobs and the gentrification that follows is pushing poor people out of the city...JUST GO MOVE TO ARKANSAS! With that money you dont have. That car you probably dont have...and be sure to move all the way out to Arkansas, the middle of nowheresville rural america and try to find yourself a job. Your options are: Corporate walmart/business, or minimum wage retail/food service. Guess which one the poor, undereducated person is going to choose? They only have one choice lol.

That's not to say people cant change their situations. I'm in college right now. Off the street but I lost my place in May during the pandemic and well..a moratorium dont mean SHIT if the police dont enforce it. So after years of being in my own place, I was aggressively intimidated by a landlord I had good standing with. I tried to get help from police, they didnt help me. I had to give up my animal temporarily and moved back in with abusive family so I could keep off the street while I work and attend college. Prior to that I had been homeless chronically for many years. Developed severe PTSD out there and got into therapy to treat it. Got off services and got a job. Got into school. Now I'm facing a possible cancer scare yet again and I'm in my early 30s. lol. This isnt a sob story. This is a fucking success story. You need a slice of humble pie my friend. A slice bigger than your ego. Have a great night

/r/SeattleWA Thread Parent