What is the stereotype of your MBTI result?

In online MBTI communities: sensitive, emotionally unstable, dumb. In the descriptions, artistic wanderers who can't plan ahead.

What’s your favorite thing about your personality?

My acceptance of everyone I meet based on their own uniqueness, I don't judge people based on my past shitty experiences. Plus I like that I have my own charm about me. My independence and ability to support myself. Lots of stuff I like about myself

What’s a personality attribute you have that you struggle with?

Being more authoritative so I can be taken seriously. I crave respect even though I don't demand it.

Identify one famous person/fictional character that embodies your personality type.

Hmmm, I don't really watch a lot of shows/movies but I think brangelina is an awesome couple who is respectable. I like them.

Briefly describe a memory you have that proves you are your personality type.

Well I always won at my dance competitions growing up, I kind of kept aloof from the other dancers but still got along with everyone. I remember a few times I apologized to people who were made fun of in school after I didn't do anything about it in the moment. I'm nice because I know how it feels.

How do you think most people perceive you?

I've been told meek, naive, weird... Surprisingly insightful/intellectual as if it isn't apparent without getting to know me first.

What is the strangest/most shocking thing you learned about your type?

I don't know about strange or shocking since I am the type, but it was nice to know that having trouble with words is part of my type.

What would an (insert your personality result here) say?

"You have to see where the other person is coming from though." (If someone is ranting about someone else being dumb or whatever.)

According to MBTI, what career path should you be pursuing?

Some sort of counseling work. Honestly, I couldn't be a counselor, I get annoyed real quick when other people can't figure out their shit even after you've given very useful and practical advice. Maybe if I was getting paid hourly it would be a different story.

What is your approach to success in school/your career?

Whatever is the easiest most effective path. I see so many people who have just done the "right thing" in school/careers yet they are slaving away with a bunch of debt and familial responsibilities. I'm scared of trapping myself into a jail cell of a life like that.

Have any views on humanity you would like to share?

We can all learn from each other. We are naturally prone to fighting each other which makes us not much better than chimps. Hopefully we can all learn some more compassion before fucking it all up.

Any life advice you would like to share?

Stop letting outside factors dictate what you think you should do, it's just gonna lead to you needing therapy to cope with living some other person's idea of a lifestyle. I have endless unsolicited advice but that's the first that came to mind lol

/r/mbti Thread