Make a personalized complaint letter of any length about any subject

Please keep in mind that Barack has a strategy. His strategy is to spread ruin widely through the land. Wherever you encounter that strategy, you are dealing with Barack. There are two things we need to do right away. First, we need to change the minds of those who transform intellectual dialogue into ideological indoctrination. Second—and this is critical so get out your highlighter—we need to challenge rather than accommodate the mainstream's presuppositions. Once those two things are accomplished we can finally start discussing how I have a message for him. My message is that, for the good of us all, he should never organize a whispering campaign against me. He should never even try to do such an infantile thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by “never” I don't mean “maybe”, “sometimes”, or “it depends”. I mean only that Barack's primary source of amusement is to encourage and exacerbate passivity in some people who might otherwise be active and responsible citizens. Confronted with this pile of words, the reader may be inclined to nod and move on. However, I ask that you stop for a moment and look: Barack plans to create widespread psychological suffering. What can you do about that? Start by reading about how the simplicity and prejudice of Barack's worldview, that students should be molded into “change agents” to promote his eccentric agenda, leads Barack to direct social activity toward philanthropic flimflam rather than toward the elimination of the basic deficiencies in the organization of our economic and cultural life. Become informed about the deceit, lies, and propaganda surrounding Barack's promotion of scapegoatism. Tell everyone you know that he will probably throw another hissy fit if we don't let him cause people to betray one another and hate one another. At least putting up with another Barack Hussein Obama hissy fit is easier than convincing Barack's menials that Barack loves generating drama and conflict. That's why he repeatedly insists that he is cunctipotent. It's also why he believes in exercising both subtlety and thoroughness in managing both the news and the entertainment that gets presented to us.

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