Petition: Make forced conscription gender neutral or abandon it

When you speak of well-armed citizens atop their marijuana mountains you ignore COINTELPRO, Ruby Ridge, and Waco. I have issues with Ruby Ridge and Waco as good examples of Americans living in freedom (religious cults run by an alleged pedophile and bigots are distasteful to me) and I have less issues with what little action was taken against the KKK by the FBI than actions taken against Dr. King and a variety of other civil rights leaders and antiwar protestors, but all of these stand in opposition to the world you envision.

In my opinion, both Ruby Ridge, and Waco were pathetic flailings of both the government, and the private individuals involved. Sheer hubris. Koresh thought he had it made, and the FBI thought that they could get him without the blood of children on their hands.

At Ruby Ridge, Randy Weaver was acquitted of all charges, except failing to show up at a court date.

The government didn't need to treat both of them like modern-day Spartacuses, and Koresh/Weaver could've avoided the whole thing by working within the system.

The American people will never be permitted political freedom without ending the hegemony and the rulers who support it.

What political freedom don't we currently have? Right now, there's plenty of Republicans that think the President is a Muslim, that think that the President is a secret terrorist, that don't believe he was born in the US, and there's a lot of them. They make themselves heard.

Similarly, there's a lot of Democrats that were worried that Bush was going to literally go down the path Hitler did - invoking emergency powers to continue after 2008, false flag attacks, and so on, and they made themselves heard, as well.

If people can have mass rallies where they accuse the sitting President of being Hitler, threaten impeachment/revolution, and so on, what freedom don't they have?

If you're allowed to have your weed and your guns it will only be because the power deems you no threat to them. Which you clearly aren't since you fully support that power.

The way it is now, yeah. If it becomes like what we had to deal with in 1989 in Romania, then we can just do what we did then - a Christmas Revolution.

For the rest of us, there is no hope except to dismantle the power structure we currently have.

Pray tell, replace it with what?

How are you going to divide power effectively, without neutering the government, and making the nation easy prey for outside nations?

I understand the desire to have nice things and not worry about the CIA taking out your government and installing a dictator running death squads because you're part of the boot and not the one under the boot, but I'd rather be bullied than live as a bully, and every American taxpayer is a bully. That's simply a moral disagreement we'll have that I know we'll never bridge.

That's fine. You're actually aware of what's around you, and you've defended your worldview better than anyone else on reddit who's not in line with my flavor of jingoism.

If the world was made up of people like you, I wouldn't need to hold the views I have.

However, human nature, and the laws of physics have firmly placed me in a realpolitik-based point of view.

Now, if automated production manages to deliver on it's promise, then "The Australia Project" might be doable.

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