Petition to UPHOLD the removal of Tracer's pose. Upvote/comment so the devs can see that not EVERYONE wants it to stay

I'll say first I'm probably not the best person to be talking about this but i want to put down my feelings somewhere i guess.

Firstly i guess i'll say i don't think the pose is a problem at all, i just saw it for the first time today and my reaction wasn't "OMG look at dat ass!" it was just "oh tracer looking cool as always" Calling it "hyper sexualization of women" seems way too much of an exaggeration to me, sure you can see her ass but i mean we all have them don't we? I don't get why it's such a big issue, let her be able to show it if she wants is what I'm trying to say( or well let the devs believe in what they created), at the end of the day she's still the same awesome tracer we all know and I think most are at least grown up to know there's more to a character than their body.

On the topic of it being out of character i honestly don't know too much about tracer except she's fast and cheeky but do we know that much already that we can decide how to pose her? To me these poses shouldn't mean much just a little extra feature to show characters in a sort of different or playful light and the attention this minor detail that is optional btw, is baffling.

But when EVERYONE is depicted sexually

Just gonna say i don't think it's everyone and mainly just tracer here (even though i still think it's not that bad) and that just because she has 1 slightly evocative pose isn't the end for the purity of all other characters, it's just a tiny bit of fanservice. On the topic of this though I'd also just like to throw in the age old argument of the males treatment. Most of these guys are the perfect image of men, with characters like hanzo revealing a little bit of his chest, the muscles on most of them and the overall feeling of "I'm a badass man" they mostly give off. The fact that the argument for women gets used when the standards for men are usually about the same seems a tad unfair to me but again I'm probably not one to be speaking about this.

I've rambled a bit here but i guess the TL:DR is the pose is fine and to me at least its not overly sexual at all and should be allowed to stay given it is optional.

honestly I'm really shaken by how overwhelming the opposition to this is No need to get so worked up man, just the internet being itself, relax and enjoy the game i guess.

/r/Overwatch Thread