PGL Battle view

It's not good, and it ruins watching teamfights and probably should be removed from use.

It doesn't follow any good data visualization practices really, except maybe the health bars at the topbut even then, the numbers of the bar make it hard to read when people are close to dead, and they aren't organized in a meaningful way since they are organized relative to information that is impossible to correlate on the fly.

Similar types of data are spread out and hard to compare (the portraits framing the sides).

A lot of the data it does show is not digestible at a glance -- and a glance is all you should be giving the visualization since the main focus is the fight. Namely skill cooldowns, items, etc. The player cameras also fall into this category.

Look, the idea isn't lets cram as much data into a UI as possible, it's lets get the important data in a way that makes it so you can glance at it really fast and understand (once you understand the visualization and have some time to get used to it).

Compare the dota UI and this. Can you (with a single glance at one portion of the screen):

  • Easily see who on each team has their ultimate up (yes, no)

  • Easily see who is alive and dead (yes, no)

  • See who has buybacks (yes, no)

  • See which items and abilities are available to cast (no, no)

  • See the relative health of the team (no, yes)

  • See specifically which heroes are low and high on health (yes, no)

  • Easily judge relative respawn times (sort of, no)

Whoever is in charge of this needs to take a really close look at the goals of a live battle UI and not just throw as much information as they can on the screen. They also probably need to read some books on the subject of data visualization.

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