Pharmacy school feels like its killing me inside

Just came to say I feel your pain. I too had issues before pharmacy school and now I'm a P2. I've had a relationship end badly in July, and multiple traumatic experiences in the past few months, and my anxiety surrounding men and strangers in general is so bad that I literally left the coffee shop I was studying at about an hour ago after the male barista offered me a sample. I have two appointments coming up this week that will hopefully help me manage this anxiety going into final exams. Definitely see a therapist, and get on medication if you and the therapist think it will help. Like the previous commenter said, P1 year is easy compared with the rest of it, so the time to get your mental health under control is now, before the coursework gets more intense. Take it from me; I wish I'd done more last year to get things under control. Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way. Take care of yourself!!!

/r/PharmacySchool Thread