Philip Hammond on Twitter: Sorry Matt, I’m afraid the Conservative Party has been taken over by unelected advisors, entryists and usurpers who are trying to turn it from a broad church into an extreme right-wing faction. Sadly, it is not the party I joined

Agreed. Though given parliamentary maths and their prior to Johnson borderline majority it only takes some small shifts for them to not come back from a future GE with a majority. At that point there is a risk of a snowball effect as their core vote starts.. well dying of old age, staying at home, or the younger ones angrily voting BXP.

It may not happen but there is a real risk/chance for the opposition not kill conservatism which will find a home probably on the right of the Lib Dems, but kill the Tory Party for a generation and I mean an actual human age length generation not a political one. Of course if they get a majority and successfully deliver Brexit the opposite could happen. It's high risk stuff ironically the opposite of traditional conservatism which has playing it safe in the name.

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