Philippines Votes to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Middle of Drug War

Even though it hasn't been passed yet, I'm happy this is being addressed in the middle of this whole drug war because not just the US but other countries are starting to acknowledge the benefits of medicinal marijuana. I had this whole 420 phase for a bout a year and I'm not smoking anymore but I still support medicinal marijuana. Maybe one day when it's legal for recreation, I'll have some. I'm just happy that there's some progress regarding this.

Personal story: During my 420 phase when my parents found out they went ballistic, as in pulling me out of school during the semester and forbidding me to go outside ballistic. They were associating marijuana with shabu, saying I looked like a shabu addict, my brain is fried and I'm not capable of making my own decisions anymore blah blah.

They even said "Sana alcoholic ka na lang para mas-normal pa!" whatever the hell that means, they even introduced me to their friend's son who is an alcoholic to try to get me to drink alcohol instead (I don't drink) and the son said "I have a bunch of professional friends who love marijuana, it's no big deal". Eventually I left because they were treating me like I'm handicapped. My parents are pro-duterte, so when their precious duterte legalizes I hope they eat their words and fuckin' fist themselves.

^ Sorry for the little story, just wanted to share some feelings. Maybe some of you feel the same or have been through the same.

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