Philosophy teacher, Harry Potter and Pokémon

I guarantee you that many of your teachers/profs that aren't elderly genuinely are like this, in that they have similar interests as you (mostly because technology has moved at a lightning pace since around the 2000s). The OG Pokémon kids are well into their professional academic careers now. Expect a lot of impending minor discoveries to be given pop-culture and/or very silly names (not that it hasn't already been happening).

A side effect worth knowing, though, is that whenever you cheat/plagiarise in a class with a youngish professor or a TA, they almost certainly know. The tech-savviness knowledge gap that existed in the 2010s is shrinking rapidly. Sure, the best never get noticed, but (from my experience as a student) probably the vast majority of students who non-ass assignments/tests tend to half-ass their cheating, so it's not like they covered their tracks anticipating a digital forensic investigation.

Academic honesty is very important, blah, blah, etc., but the truth is just that the process of opening up a case with administration is an enormous pain in the ass, especially for 100+ person lectures (and after reading through 500+ pages of lab reports, the last thing I want to do is create more paperwork for myself).

So if you must cheat, at least don't be overtly disrespectful about it. I've got a handful of students who I know for a fact cheated on their midterms, and a few others that I strongly suspect (tried, badly) using chatGPT to write an assignment. All got a middling-to-shitty grade anyways, so I didn't bother further. But now they've lost any grace they had, so if they do it too often and/or are too obvious about it, it might just become satisfying enough for me to start a case against them. On the other hand, students who email me and honestly express genuine worry/anxiety about an assignment or deadline (even without accommodation paperwork) will usually get an extension or whatever, because for many courses, "giving a shit at all" is a higher bar than you'd expect. I can't even get four dialogue options into a proper renegade run in Mass Effect--do you think I really want to bring down the hammer on students who are worried but show that they genuinely care?

Tl;dr: your instructors are increasingly just as online and existentially burnt out as you are. Just don't be an asshole about it and confuse apathy/mercy for stupidity.

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