Phil's response to the delay

I don't mind getting an unfinished game if it has frequent updates and they fully commit to supporting it. Look at early access games like 7 days to die, far from finished but is updated frequently enough (on pc anyway) and playable enough that i don't mind that it isn't finished. It is shit like Infinite where they dump it out with virtually no content and don't update it at all for 6 months then do a tiny update that changes next to nothing and expect us to wait another 6 months for the next tiny patch. Not to mention games like Anthem where it is released unfinished and they flat out abandon it instead of finishing it.

So ya, releasing unfinished games is perfectly fine if you actually support it. Just we have a huge problem right now of unfinished games getting released with either no updates at all or they are so infrequent and so tiny that they might as well not even bother.

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