"Phone snubbing" your partner can lead to a vicious cycle of resentment and retaliation, study suggests

There was a news story about a guy where his new wife was on her phone all honeymoon and he left her over it. Don't blame him. It sucks. Especially when people that married around 2000 or so right before social media hit big and smartphones were barely becoming a thing. They knew life and dating and marriage with that person before social media and smartphones. Then over time the phones and social media become an obsession and spent all their free time on it. One spouse wants to talk, go walking, whatever it may be but the other is just endless scrolling and trying to show you stupid articles or videos or dancing and the other could care less. They just want to "be" around the other without distraction like it used to be. You call it out constantly and they get defensive about it more and more over the years. First it was FB, then Instagram, then added Twitter to the must scroll list. You know they are not cheating because they physically do not do anything else but scroll on their phone all day and night. They might admit to spending a "little" too much time doing it and slightly slow it down for a few days but then it is full on again in no time. They are wrapped up in all their friends drama and giving advice to them and ignoring their own family or spouse's issues. They go from loving and attentive to cold and distant. You have kids with them and you know they love you but phone and social media become a wedge between you and your spouse that you know will always be there. Imagine being a 40 something male, works all the time, comes home, mows, cleans house and fixes everything around the house and the spouse is just scrolling and stays home all day. They will make a bit of small talk for about a minute about some friends drama or a video or news story and set it aside but then right back at it. Then you lay down beside them and watch them scroll. You mention the "phubbing" and then they basically ignore you or say their friend is highly upset about something and they are talking them through while you are ignored all the time. Even if they do put the phone down and sigh at you because you mentioned the "phubbing", you know the second you walk out they pick it back up which makes you more angry. Then if they put their phone down their latest Amazon Prime, HBO Max or Netflix show is turned on. You might say something to them and they pause the show to "listen" but they are only doing so that they don't miss something on the show. So now introduce "Strubbing". Streaming-Snubbing.

/r/science Thread Link - psypost.org