Phones in the FC

We kinda have to because if suddenly someone gets hit hard and cant breathe and or colapses on the floor the only chance for help to get out alive is by callimg 911. Its like my phone had a premonition last year or end of 2018 during stand up one night I took my phone out of my pocket to turn it off and save my battery, and as I looked at the screen it showed a call to 9-1-1 . I guess it is a smart phone. Same thing prior to that it pocket dialed the home phone and my mothers cell phone at least a dozen times while I was stowing packages /loading them for stowers to scan. Maybe I am overthinking it. Maybe it would have gone bad if I kept going down the road I was going down. Thanks to this pandemic and world though stopping me in those tracks I might just have to live after all. Drugs ? What is that ? Makes sense why there is no need to drug test anymore

/r/AmazonFC Thread