Physical abuse from teachers in the past in Ireland

I remember being appalled at the stories my mother would tell us, but when I think about it I got a little bit of it myself. An old brother was teaching computers (for some reason) and when the Mac locked up and I promptly hit the reset button (owning a Commodore 64 and assuming it operated similarly and would be okay) he gave me a literal clip around the ear and told me not to do it again. Came out of nowhere so I was surprised but I honestly remember not having much of a reaction to it. Back in primary school we had a substitute who would grind his knuckle into your shoulder while saying, "Don't vex me, now!". There was a teacher who, if you hadn't done your homework, would step on your shoe to stop you moving away and rub his hands on the side of your head, but the entire class laughed when he did that, including those that got punished.

This was back in the '90s, too.

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