Physical changes have started, but when does being happy?

I took T for 3 months at the start of this year, and hadn't had more since then as the doctor was seeing if my body would continue the process without it, [...]

Trans woman here, disclaimer: I am less familiar with masculinizing hormone regiments compared to feminizing ones.

Are you saying your doctor had you take T for 3 months, and then they told you to stop taking T completely? Or do you mean they kept your T dose the same? If you have been consistently taking T, are they doing blood tests for T/E levels, to see what range those are in?

If they told you to stop taking T, that sounds completely bizarre and I would strongly suggest finding a new doctor ASAP. There is no such thing as "continuing the process without T" ... continual T is required to continue physical changes, and required for life to maintain them even when the changes are complete (the same is true with E for trans women). Unfortunately a lot of doctors are not familiar with transgender care or HRT. You may need to look around.

Here's a good reference for masculinizing hormones: ... the intended audience is doctors but it has a lot of useful information. And here's a presentation from a doctor who treats trans patients, with a lot of info:

Hope this helps, and sorry if I misunderstood that part of your post.

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