Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – A People Writer’s Own Harrowing Story

A female swim coach on my high school team would make inappropriate physical contact with me and force arousal while I was in my suit. She also got in trouble for sexually harassing the female swimmers by trying to make my penis size a topic of conversation with them. You know all this bs about "locker room talk"? That was her, she was doing it. When you're 16 and you're getting asked by girls from school if it's true you have a "big one", you don't think to yourself that you're literally in the midst of sexual abuse. That's the last thing on your mind. I did bring it up to my parents though and they got her fired for it.

I have never really felt anger over what had happened, in fact I just look down on her more than anything. I remember when I got to be her age and I tried to imagine myself acting like that with high school girls, that's when it really hit me how nutso she must have been to think it was ok. I also never really equated my experience with the kind of sexual assault stories I had heard from women but I mean, looking back, there was full blown contact with my genitalia, and it most certainly wasn't invited or appreciated.

So yeah, it's kind of odd having a story like that, and I never really tell anyone about it either since it's not that big of a deal, but nobody's really asked if I had an experience like this before because I mean... I'm a dude

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