Physically attractive but socially awkward people, what's your story?

I think I'm pretty attractive. I get random compliments from strangers and, as a guy, that's pretty damn rare. People like my hair and my clothes and I'm pretty fit too. So there's my credentials, here's my story:

I'm bad with people. Like everyone else, I loosen up and have a good time with people I know but if I've only just met you, I can't figure out how to act. I think it's because I want to please everyone, but if I've only just met you, I don't know what you want so I don't know what to do for you. And I'm talking real simple things, I'll laugh at your jokes even if they suck, I'll agree with your conjectures about politics or climate change. But if I don't know you well enough I'll sometimes misunderstand the cues for a joke where a should laugh, or a complaint where I should act incredulous. And it's not that I'm all that bad at it, but it's exhausting for me. So I prefer to avoid conversations and get out of them quickly.

There's one large exception to this trend though. If I'm in a situation where I understand my role, and especially if I'm only with complete strangers that I'm not likely to meet again, I become completely confident and suave (if I do say so myself) for as long as the performance lasts. I got invited to the cast's after party after a play without having known anyone there before hand. I won a freestyle dance competition because I understood what it was about my shitty dancing that was entertaining people and so I amped it up accordingly.

But say if I'm introduced to someone "hey, meet ImForgettableOnImgur he's the guy that dances" I don't know what I do. What does a guy that dances do when he's not dancing? I don't frighten know. My energy disappears and soon after so do I.

Makes it hard to get a date.

/r/AskReddit Thread