Picciolini, author, former `neo-nazi`, and founder of Life After Hate sounding the alarm on the IDW (link in comments)

Molyneux came out in the open several times as opposed to the other two.

Despite all of the harm that these figures have done, I think it pales in comparison to the harm that is done not by specific influential individuals but by the type of online environment people grow up in. Decentralized places like 8chan and "meme culture" has been successfully hijacked by white supremacists and now the memes are no longer just being shared by Neo-Nazis, they are shared by disaffected youth, "anti-SJW" sociopaths, and ironic Nazis. It has become the new cool thing to laugh about oppression for many undereducated people on the internet. The biggest problem doesn't seem to be that there are Neo-Nazis infesting every corner of the internet looking for vulnerable people to brainwash and recruit, it's that there are so many people who are helping the Neo-Nazis without realizing it.

/r/enoughpetersonspam Thread Link - i.redd.it