Picked up a 6 pack of Kokanee in bottles. $14.45. That means 2 beers, is now 5 bucks. What's it like in other provinces?

should you be drinking OP? I mean you got a DUI this month did you not? lost your job over it? do you not remember making the post here? you deleted it pretty fast...maybe put down the beer for a bit.

so checkout what I been "busy" with the past week. Was gonna update the resume but kinda wordy trying to explain the distributor and route changes. Plus 3 papers over the years route changes there.

This fuckin "resume" started turning into a fuckin "wordy", stories about my work history life. I'm there, ok maybe I should try this angle. These employers probably have a hundred of the same bullet point format bullshit in front of them. Maybe this 'll stand out.

10 jobs left up to fall 2003, up to 22 pages. Have a disclaimer at the start as the "cover letter" explaining risking libel and if they don't want me to talk about them later, just let me know and I'll remember. lol. Then mention I didn't sign no nondisclosure agreements. If I badmouth them too much I'll do the [edit out: reason] so they can't get a hold of them.

Just kinda talk about what it was like working the jobs. Maybe some commentary on working it and what I thought about it later. Probably be about 40 pages. Gonna have that as a .docx file.

Seeing as you're concerned about my wellbeing, figure I'll drop you a line once that's done. I'll have the file up on my google drive and send you a link. You can have a laugh about the mountain of bullshit I been thru with the jobs since 1990. Maybe you can get that to somebody would can help me out with the next one. lol

I started on those couple beers left. About to get into the few months I did "flower delivery" with that van before the courier. lol

You're gonna like a later one when I drove armored car and had a restricted handgun in donut shops and malls. lol. If somebody can trust you with not going postal, that's some trust, eh? After that job though let the licence expire. Never bought a gun though. You don't want those around cause if somebody steals it, you're fucked. Ah yes, one of the dozen jobs over the years. A couple were for 9 years though. Seems to be this 10 year barrier where you're doomed there after or something.

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