Picture my buddy sent me of a McDonald's worker that had her manager and everybody walk out on her. He jumped back and helped her get through the shift for 2 hours. My hero for the day.

Overnights at McDonald's are a mess. I worked weekend overnights for a few months two years ago. If I had to rank the top ten worst nights of my life, at least nine of them would be McDonald's overnights.

The store is constantly understaffed (one kitchen person, one front person, and a flex manager), the crowd's are either drunk or hostile (or a combination of the two), and there are zero breaks. None. You work eight hours straight, but lose thirty minutes of pay to a "break" that you never take. The GM's justify it by claiming that "overnights are so dead, the entire shift is basically a break!" It isn't. There are customers for eight hours straight, you're forced to stay an hour late because it's impossible to get anything done, and when you leave, the openers trash you for doing a poor job.

0/10, would not recommend.

/r/pics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com