Pictured: serious question is coronavirus a hoax or is it real?

My wife is a nurse and has covid. She's been sick for 3 days but so far says it feels like a bad flu. The only difference she said is that it seems much harder to control your temp with Covid. Even after doses of Tylenol she's having a really tough time keeping regular body temp.

Her professional opinion of this is that covid is basically a highly transmittable flu, but if you're immunocompromised, elderly, or have any preexisting respiratory issues it's considerably more dangerous.

Her place of work went for months without a single case. Then 4th of July weekend came, people returned to work after long weekend gatherings, and boom the shit spread through her building like wildfire. This thing spreads easiest through vapors, hence why medical professionals are really driving home the importance of wearing masks. Masks fucking suck, no one likes it, I don't like it. I also don't like the fact that if I don't have one on I can potentially be transmitting it.

/r/conspiracy Thread