Piece on Canada's National Gun Registry: Canada sank $2.7 billion into a pointless project

First: Yes it would be trivial to do today they were doing it in the very early days of widespread web apps. By today's standards the app is trivial. Phoenix is a result of the mandatory way the government interacts with industry which requires a poor development approach and implicitly trusts everything private industry says according to law (seriously a company can sue the government if the government doesn't believe their representation of a product during the purchase process.) Lots of systems can be hacked I'm not sure how vulnerable the system was again it would go back to the company that sold the software. If I buy a car I don't have to specify in the contract that the car not suddenly explode or that the locks can't be easily bypassed it is assumed that a product doesn't come with latent defects. Yeah the government does a bad job of holding industry accountable but that's the same across the board with all projects that are given to private industry which milks the government like a cow with promises and lies.

Second: You are simply wrong. If you ignored sunk costs the registry was making money for the government on a year by year basis and that would have been expected to increase over time as people who avoided registering due to initial problems with the registry started to actually register their firearms and pay the associated fees.

Thirdly: So to paraphrase what you're saying "Whine whine whine I like guns I know the truth blah blah blah I expect all the rights and benefits of citizenship but feel I should get to decide on what responsibilities I take on whine whine whine. I also don't understand that Canada like most countries has no right to bear arms in its constitution or that no one ever talked about mass confiscations or I ignore it because I'm floundering around for any excuse to justify my existing opinion of the registry. Guvment gonna take my guns!!!" Also I never said that politicians coerced people against the registry I said that they used it as a hot button issue. They saw that a vocal minority of people were emotionally opposed to the registry while most Canadians didn't care either way so by opposing it they could distract from real issues when they saw fit and Canadians who opposed it would vote for them regardless of real issues while other Canadians discounted the item when they voted.

Fourth: So all the top people supported it and the organizations of street police were divided therefore it was bad? It was never fully implemented never fully studied and was a very minor inconvenience to legal gun owners while providing the government with revenue.

Fifth: Again because political opposition coupled with people who refused to register their firearms (mostly based on initial problems with the information systems that they incorrectly assumed were never resolved and not on tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about the government taking their guns,) made it impossible to properly implement it but again you think it's reasonable to judge its success based on that state.

Sixth: I'm literally crying for how hard your life is. It also would clearly be impossible to fix any of those issues.

/r/canada Thread Parent Link - crimeresearch.org