Why is Pillars of Eternty 2 is the same as DoS2?

I just started POE2 and I noticed some similarities as well. Using a ship, seeing souls, race becomes gods, etc.

Minor DOS2 Spoilers below

But there are also some differences among those comparisons and I like both in different ways

POE2 has reincarnation, DOS2 has souls that go into a "heaven" to be eaten by the gods

POE2 has Gods that are ideologies incarnate and generally don't intervene much (except Eothas), DOS2 has powerful Gods that imbue power into one omnipotent being named the Divine

POE2 has you see souls to help guide them, DOS2 has you see souls to feed your own power

They also both have awesome interpretations of races. POE2 created a lot of unique races for themselves and DOS2 put twists on standard races. Lizardfolk descended from Dragons, and the elves are cannibalistic and turn into trees.

There are certainly similarities but I think both are really unique in comparison to most standard fantasy games.

/r/DivinityOriginalSin Thread