I pissed off hundreds of people. Any advice on riding this out?

take it from someone who has pissed off around 200 people (sorority lol).

Stick to the facts. That way when the truth (hopefully) comes out you will be the one who said all the right things.

Never give a reaction. Not on social media, not in person. Most people are mad because they enjoy drama, don't give those people the satisfaction of a reaction anywhere. Eventually, people will become disinterested if you don't give them a show.

Be extremely nice to people when you see them. People don't know how to react when they're angry at someone and that person responds kindly. Even make a point just to smile and wave at them.

I'm sure this hurts a lot, but never show people you're wounded. If people know that can hurt you, they will get satisfaction out of that, so never show you're hurt by the things they do or say.

Overall, it fucking sucks. It's horrible, and even though what I did to piss off a sorority happened two years ago, what people said and did to me still haunts me. Hopefully in your case, it goes a lot better for you. Good luck!

/r/Advice Thread